Canal Maintenance

OPWCD employees maintain approximately 36 miles of canals by removing excess aquatic vegetation and taking out any debris in the canal impeding water flow. Homeowners who live on a district canal help in the effort to keep the waterways clean and aesthetically beautiful. Although actual property lines do not extend up to the water’s edge, homeowners are required by City of Plantation Ordinance (Sec. 15-21) to maintain the area up to the canal bank. This keeping of the canal bank right of way clear and clean is similar to the easement in the front of a homeowner’s lot where the resident maintains the property up the street.
It is important that each District resident know that whatever is thrown into a canal will generally stay there for a long period of time. District pumps are only turned on to discharge excess storm water. Disposing of motor oil and other hazardous materials is against the law and leads to the unnecessary death of fish, excess algae growth and ground water contamination. We encourage residents to be aware of polluters and illegal dumpers and report them to the district or the City of Plantation Code Enforcement.
Over fertilizing will lead to the growth of aquatic weeds in the canal system. When limited amounts of fertilizers enter the waterways, less herbicide will have to be used to treat aquatic vegetation growth. This is cost effective as well as being a sound environmental practice.
Property owners who plant invasive trees and shrubs such as Florida Holly, Fichus and Australian pine, cause problems for the environment as well as canal maintenance. If there are plants and trees in the districts easement, please remove them now to prevent future situations where District right of way access is needed. Fences, sheds and recreational equipment should also be positioned inside the property line and not on district property.
In the event of a severe storm or hurricane, we want to be able to keep our neighborhoods safe from conditions that may jeopardize lives as well as homes. With your cooperation today, we will keep our canal beautiful and be better prepared to meet whatever future challenges Mother Nature send us.
In an effort to reduce the amount of herbicides necessary to maintain the waterways the District annually stock Triploid Grass Carp an aquatic vegetation eating fish. Where practical a mechanical harvester may be used to remove aquatic vegetation.
Thank you for helping keep our canals clean and obstruction free.